Organizations Keeping Journalism Great

Organizations Keeping Journalism Great

Organizations Keeping Journalism Great: 30 Organizations

Media changes are not always driven by the habits of readers or viewers. There are hundreds of groups and organizations dedicated to improving journalism as an art, craft and practice. Each group has a different mission and focus, but they all believe in improving journalism today and for tomorrow.

As I was only aware of a handful when I began writing this blog I thought you might not be familiar with some of them either. On the next page, I have included a list of 30 organizations, associations and groups that are dedicated to journalism across many different fields. I hope you like the list.

Organizations Keeping Journalism Great
Organizations Keeping Journalism Great

American Press Institute– founded in 1946 by newspaper publishers, the American Press Institute was the first and largest training centre for journalists and journalism educators. The Institute offers more than 30 residential seminars per year to journalists, sales, management and marketing professionals from print, broadcast, and digital media.

American Society of News Editors – The American Society of News Editors, is a membership association for daily news editors and people who work in daily newspapers to meet editorial needs. It also includes some distinguished individuals who have worked with editors over the years. – an initiative by examines how journalists can improve their beat reporting using social networks and Web tools, with a focus on “pushing” the practice and highlighting innovation.

Center for Media and Democracy -The Center for Media and Democracy, founded in 1993, is an independent, non-partisan public interest organization. CMD’s goal is to promote transparency, an informed debate and a fair public discussion by exposing government propaganda and corporate spin.

CyberJournalist– focuses on the Internet and convergence, and how they are changing media. This site provides tips, news, and commentary on online journalism, citizen reporting, and digital storytelling.

Editor and Publisher is America’s oldest newspaper industry journal. The Journal covers all aspects in the North American Newspaper Industry, including Business, Newsroom, Advertising, Circulation, Marketing, Technology, Online and Syndicates.

IJNet International Center for Journalists – IJNet is a service for journalists, media managers and media assistance professionals. It also includes journalism educators and trainers.

Investigative Editors and Reporters (IRE) – IRE is a nonprofit grassroots organization that aims to improve the quality of investigative reporting. IRE was founded in 1975 as a way for journalists to share story ideas, techniques of news gathering and sources. IRE’s mission is to promote excellence in investigative reporting, which is vital to a free society.

Knight Digital Media Center OJR The Knight Digital Media Center was launched in April 2006 to help journalists succeed in the rapidly changing media landscape. The Center, which was established in April 2006, aims to help journalists thrive in a rapidly changing media landscape.

MediaBistro – was created for anyone who works in the content/creative industries, whether they are creative professionals or non-creatives. MediaBistro is dedicated to providing opportunities for people to connect, exchange resources, learn about interesting projects, news and job opportunities, and improve their career skills.

Media Research Center– founded in 1987 and dedicated to monitoring media bias through scientific research, the Media Research Center monitors the liberal bias. The goal of the organization is to fight bias in media and strive for balance.

National Association of Black Journalists- is an organization of black journalists and students that offers quality programs, and services, and advocates for them. NABJ was founded in 1975 and is the largest group of journalists in the United States.

Media Coverage and Journalism at a Press Event
Media Coverage and Journalism at a Press Event

National Center for Business Journalism- The Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism strives to improve the quality of journalism in business through educational programs.

National Newspaper Publisher Association – The NNPA is a 67-year-old federation of over 200 Black community papers from all across the United States. The organization is the news service for the industry. In 2001, the NNPA Foundation and the BlackPressUSA Network were formed to create the country’s largest network of local Black news and information portals.

National Press Club- The National Press Club is a Washington institution that has existed for over 100 years. The National Press Club was established in 1908 to promote social enjoyment, cultivating literary taste and encouraging friendly interaction between newspaper workers, as well as those they came into contact with in pursuit of their profession. The National Press Club has become one of the most recognized journalism groups in the world.

National Writers Union- The National Writers Union is a union for freelancers and contract writers. This includes journalists, book authors and business and technical writers. It also includes Web content providers and poets. Nearly 2,000 writers are represented by 16 chapters across the country. The Union strives to improve the economic and work conditions for all writers and defend their rights. –, a research project at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and directed by Professor Jay Rosen is a Its goal is to spur innovation in “open-platform” journalism, distributed reportage and crowdsourcing. These forms are made possible by the Web, and the declining costs of large numbers of people being able to find each other and share information across distances.

Nieman Foundation for Journalism in Harvard – Established in 1938, The Nieman Foundation for Journalism in Harvard administers one of the oldest fellowship programs for mid-career journalists in the entire world. The Nieman Fellowships have been awarded to more than 1,300 accomplished journalists from 88 different countries. They spent a year at Harvard University studying and exploring. The foundation created the Nieman Journalism Lab in 2008 to help identify the best practices of journalism and new business models during a period when the industry was experiencing rapid changes.

Online journalism blog – OJB is a publication that publishes commentary and analysis about developments in online journalism, online news, citizen reporting, blogging, vlogging and photo blogging, as well as podcasting and interactive storytelling. It also covers publishing, computer-assisted reporting, user-generated content, online communities and mobile journalism.

Poynter Institute- The Poynter Institute, is a journalism school for journalists and future journalists. The school’s mission is to inspire and teach journalists and media leaders. It encourages excellence and integrity both in the craft of journalism and in practical leadership. It is a journalistic organization that informs the public and illuminates the discourse.

Project for Excellence in Journalism- The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism aims to better understand the Information Revolution. It uses empirical methods to study and evaluate the performance of the press. The Center’s mission is to assist both journalists and citizens in understanding what is being delivered by the press, the changes that are occurring within the media, and the forces driving those changes.

Public Journalism Network (PJN) – The Public Journalism Network, a global virtual network of journalists and educators, as well as laypeople, is dedicated to exploring and strengthening the link between journalism and democracy. The site evolved from being a public journalism website to becoming an information clearinghouse that includes both public and citizen journalism.

Reclaim the Media- is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a society that goes beyond justice by transforming the media system and expanding the communication rights of the average person.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of Press- In 1970, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of Press (RCFP) was formed to protect journalists’ rights to keep sources confidential and to monitor legislative efforts that impact on public right to knowledge. The Committee has been leading the way in recent years to build coalitions with media-related groups to protect journalists’ rights to maintain confidentiality and to monitor legislative efforts that impact the right of the public to know.

Cameraman Recording Female Journalist
Cameraman Recording Female Journalist

Society of American Business Editors and Writers- Members of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers have united in pursuit of the highest standard of economic journalism through individual and collective efforts. As an independent non-profit, the Society’s goal is to promote comprehensive reporting on economic events, without fear of bias, and to improve skills and knowledge by implementing continuous education.

Society for News Design- The Society of News Design promotes high standards of journalism by using design. The SND is a professional international organization that has more than 2,600 members from the U.S.A., Canada, and over 50 other countries. Its members include editors, graphic designers, publishers, and other media professionals.

Society of Professional Journalists- The Society of Professional Journalists is the largest journalism organization in the United States. Its members are dedicated to promoting the free practice of journalistic ethics and fostering high ethical standards. SPJ was founded in 1909 under the name Sigma Delta Chi. Its nearly 10,000 members work to promote the free flow of information that is vital for a well-informed public. They also strive to educate and inspire current and future journalists, and to protect First Amendment rights to freedom of press and speech.

Suburban Newspapers of America- SNA, the Suburban and Community Newspaper Association is the only professional non-profit trade association that serves the industry.

Wired Journalism- is a social network on Ning for journalists who wish to improve their skills, help their communities and advance their careers.

World Press Institute- The World Press Institute is a nonprofit, private organization that receives support from a variety of sources, including local and national media outlets, multinational U.S. companies, and individuals around the globe.